Our Mission
Is to encourage, educate and disciple Christian women in how to live by the biblical exhortation to be filled with the Spirit.
what does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
As believers, our ultimate goal is to attain the likeness of Christ. This is only possible by living a Spirit-filled life. This means we should be so completely yielded to the Holy Spirit, that He can possess us fully and in that sense, fill us. When we willingly allow him access to every part of our lives and follow his divine leadership, we can do – and become all that he has destined us to be.
divine will
God desires us to be filled with everything he wills for our lives. He has plans for us but, we must choose to follow them. We will find his general will for us is in his Word, yet we must seek him through our personal relationship in prayer to find out his perfect will. At times, our will gets in the way of his, and we wind up in his permissive will. In his love, he will work with us to get us back on the path to fulfilling his divine purposes for our personal lives and ministries.
Power of the Holy Spirit
It’s God’s will for us to have the power of the Holy Spirit. He works in our lives in two ways, both inwardly and outwardly. Through the indwelling, he speaks, guides, teaches, and comforts us. He leads us into victorious Christian living by showing us how to apply the power of the Cross to our lives.
The Spirit also comes upon us in power to be witnesses of Jesus on the earth today. As we take the Gospel to others, Jesus will confirm his word through us with signs wonders, and miracles. We are anointed by the Spirit to effectively serve Christ with our gifts and calling..
be a spirit filled woman
Jesus set an example for us to follow. He lived his life on earth as One filled with the Spirit. Now, he wants us to do the same.
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1235 Divi Theme St.
San Francisco, CA 92335
(333) 394-2342
M – F : 8am–5pm
Sat : 11am–6pm
Sun : Closed